On October 30, 2002, the Spokes-Review newspaper in Spokane, WA published a front page feature about my work on page
B1 of The Handle, Section B of that day's paper. Copyright considerations prevent reproducing the article here,
however, it ran under the heading" Putting their best feet foward" written by Cynthia Taggart.
The article consists of 2 patients telling their story of results they experienced after beginning Neuropathy Institute
PC treatments, along with a promonite pulmonoligist / internist who has referred several patients to the clinic for neuropathy
care. He also tells of his experiences.
You may be able to secure a copy of the article from the newspaper. The Spokesman-Review's number is (509) 459-5005.
The arrticle is available for $1.95 on the newspaper's website. Go to www.spokesmanreview.com and select Archives on the left side of the home page. After selecting archives, search using keyword "neuropathy",
specify in "any" text, year of 2002. You should see "Putting their best feet foward", published Oct 30, 2002.